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WCU Stories

nursing envision

School of Nursing combines outreach, experiential learning with community service

Five nursing students, one faculty member and two alumni assist Great Faith Vision, a national Christian mission group, in operating a pop-up medical clinic, which for the time being will offer free vision care for young and old.  

potm to Ireland

Pride of the Mountains Marching Band will take its talents international

The Pride of the Mountains Marching Band will perform in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Ireland on March 17, 2024.  

music wind ensemble

Students travel to Prague for music conference and performance in Žofín Palace

Seven music students are traveling to Prague this July, invited by the World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles to attend its international conference and perform with its Youth Wind Orchestra.  

student life 14

Two students are first WCU recipients of National Security Education Program scholarships

Two students from WCU are among an elite national group selected to receive up to $25,000 for a year of study abroad and immersion in foreign culture and languages.  

hunter library digital collections

WCU, UNCA partnership leads to new digital Southern Appalachian archive

In a collaborative effort, Hunter Library has established an extensive, digital collection that will provide improved access to regionally focused materials of Southern Appalachia.  

jacob in cap and gown

Jacob Padillo - Supporting Success

Jacob Padillo wasn't sure if he'd be able to continue his education at WCU after his first semester, but after seeking help from faculty and staff, he soon found himself thriving as an education student.   

Jacob Padillo wasn't sure if he'd be able to continue his education at WCU after his first semester, but after seeking help from faculty and staff, he soon found himself thriving as an education student.   


Robotics team finishes third

The WCU Robotics team took third place honors at 2022 IEEE Southeastcon Hardware Competition.  

controlled chaos

Controlled Chaos Film Festival returns to in-person viewing

After two years of virtual viewing, the School of Stage and Screen will present the 13th Annual Controlled Chaos Film Festival in-person.  

One Book

One Book Committee makes its selection for Fall ’22 first-year students

WCU’s One Book Committee has chosen “Normal Sucks: How to Live, Learn, and Thrive Outside the Lines” by Jonathan Mooney as the book to be distributed to all first-year students during orientation.  

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